Background Music for Banks and Financial Institutions

Background Music for Banks and Financial Institutions

Banks are often known for being quiet and solemn, but that doesn't mean they cannot benefit from background music.

Background music for banks and financial institutions is a great way to make customers feel more comfortable and relaxed, encouraging them to spend more time in your branch. The right kind of music can make your bank or financial institution seem more personable and friendly. But what makes good background music for banks and financial institutions?

Read on to learn more.

Types of Background Music for Banks & Financial Institutions

There are several types of music that you can use for your bank or financial institution. Here are some examples:

1. Classical Music

Classical music is known for its relaxing effects on the human mind. It can also be soothing, precisely what you want in a bank environment! This genre will appeal to older customers who enjoy classical art forms such as opera and ballet.

Playing classical music during working hours can increase productivity among workers. Therefore, playing these songs is a good idea.

2. Pop Music

Pop music can be a good choice for banks looking to create a much more modern and upbeat environment. It is, however, critical to select songs suitable for your professional setting that do not contain explicit lyrics that may not be pleasing to your clients.

Pop music is a great way to create a lively, energetic atmosphere that appeals to your younger clients.

3. Instrumental music

Instrumental music without lyrics is an excellent choice for background music in your banks because it does not divert customers' attention from their financial transactions. This piece is perfect for creating a peaceful atmosphere and can evoke various moods based on the tempo and melody.

4. Jazz music

Jazz music is another popular option for banks' and financial institutions' background music. Jazz has a subtle energy that can create an inviting and upbeat surrounding, making your customers feel more at ease.

Jazz music, just like pop music, adds a modern touch to the atmosphere, making it appealing to your younger customers.

Is the music copyrighted?

Most of the music mentioned is usually copyrighted, and you should obtain the necessary license for its use in your banks and financial institutions. Performing Rights Organisations such as BMI and SESAC are among the bodies used to represent the interest of songwriters and music publishers from which you can obtain licenses. These bodies are responsible for collecting fees, for the use of copyrighted music, on behalf of their members and then distributing the royalties to the copyright holder.

Royalty free music

Royalty free music

Paying ongoing rights to use copyrighted music is not cost-effective for your institution; this is where royalty-free music comes in. You can use this music without paying ongoing rights or fees to the copyright holders. Instead, you pay a one-time license fee to use the music track unlimitedly without adding additional payments.

Sources of royalty-free music

Sources of royalty-free music

There are many different sources of royalty-free music. Here are some examples:

1. Legis Music

Legis music is a royalty-free music library that provides background music for banks and financial institutions. It can offer you a wide selection of music tracks used explicitly in corporate settings. Professional musicians write Legis music tracks, which cover a variety of genres, including classical and jazz music.

2. AudioJungle

Audiojungle is a known royalty-free music library that offers a wide selection of music files, rhythms, and sound effects. It is ideal for your use as background music in banks and financial institutions because it also features a section of a corporate setting.

Its pricing structure depends on the complexity and duration of the music track you choose, with the prices starting from as low as $5.

3. PremiumBeat

It is a carefully chosen royalty-free music library that offers top-notch ambient music. They have a comprehensive library of recordings divided into mood, genre, and instrumental groups. Their price plan depends on the type of license you want, with options ranging from single-use basic licenses to unlimited-usage extended licenses.

4. Shutterstock Music

It is a well-known royalty-free music collection that provides background music for banks and financial organizations. They have an expansive library of tunes divided into genres and moods. They have a straightforward pricing plan based on the duration of the music track, with costs beginning at $49.

What are the considerations when choosing background music?

Considerations when choosing background music

Choosing the appropriate background music for banks and financial institutions is important because it can help create an inviting and professional setting that reflects your brand and values. Here are some considerations when choosing the appropriate music.

Music volume

The music volume should be low enough to not interfere with your client's capacity to concentrate and communicate with the staff. It should also not be so low that it is barely audible, as this can create an uncomfortable silence in the room.

Note: Set the ideal volume low enough to be heard but not so loud that it becomes distracting.

Consider the music genre

The kind of institution you operate will determine the music genre you choose. Classical music may be a great pick if you run a traditional bank, while pop or jazz music, on the other hand, is more appropriate if you run a more modern bank. The music genre should be consistent with your institution's image and values.

Consider the music's tempo

The music's tempo should be slow and soothing, as this can help your clients to reduce anxiety and stress. You want to create a comfortable and professional atmosphere, and fast-paced music can be distracting and counterproductive, evoking feelings of immediacy or unease.

Check the music's lyrics

Avoid music with lyrics because the words may divert the attention of your clients and employees from their work or conversations. Ambient sounds or white noise can create a calming and unobtrusive environment.

Regular music Update

It's a good idea to make a music playlist that you can update regularly. This helps you keep the atmosphere vibrant and prevents repetitive music. You can also use customer and staff feedback to improve your music selection and the overall customer experience.


Background music in banks and financial institutions may improve the client experience by establishing a pleasant and professional environment. Selecting the perfect piece for your institution, considering elements such as volume and genre, may help it represent its brand and values while fostering relaxation and productivity. While licensing for copyrighted music might be expensive, several sources of royalty-free music can be used.

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